There have been so many rumors lately regarding two of the hottest and most highly anticipated video games consoles ever to be planned for release in the world of video gaming. These two video consoles are of course the Playstation 4 and the Microsoft Xbox 720 which is completely updated and enhanced edition of these two extremely successful gaming entities.
The first of these two game consoles we will be reviewing is the Xbox 720 if that is indeed what it will be called as we have heard many rumors that the console could be named the Xbox Infinity. The console is thought to be released just before Christmas 2013 which will excite many of you Xbox fans as this new edition is thought to be much greater in gaming capabilities as well as offering many all new features never before seen in a console from this company. One of the main new additions that will feature in the all new Xbox is the inclusion of a Blu-Ray player which also plays dvr`s and replaces the more traditional DVD drive that we have seen for many years.
This feature will allow developers to include so much more content as there will be an incredible amount of extra space available to play with in a Blu-Ray player. The user will also be able to watch Blu-Ray movies through the console which is an excellent addition and has been included to further rival the Playstation. In addition to this we are told that the console could implement AMD graphics and CPU within the console which will greatly improve the general running of the console for the user. These much improved graphics and processing power will be run by one of Radeon RX graphics cards which are now one of the best on the market for PC gamers.
This will provide one of the greatest 3D gaming experiences you could wish for and with the new processor you will be able to play your games with virtually no lag time or freezing. We anticipate that the Playstation Network will be very busy, especially with the new game developers currently developing the graphic options for the new game format. This will lead to hundreds of thousands of new gamers, joining the online gaming scene, which is not a bad thing for the Games Industry.
The rumors for the Playstation 4 are coming thick and fast but we have it from very good sources that users can expect drastic changes to the console as Sony attempt once again to take control of the market by offering the best facilities possible.
Buying games for console devices can be pretty tricky, especially if you are looking for older games that are not in general game stores. We found a small company in Wales called Games99 that provide retro games, check out there website here:
As far as we know there is no actual date set for release of this console but as always we live in hope that it will come sooner rather than later. The new Playstation 4 feature much of the most cutting edge technology you could wish for in a console including much improved processing power and graphics which will be joy to the ears of Playstation fans. The console will sport a whole new design that looks very slick and is a great improvement on the bulky PS3 and will offer full wire free technology for all aspects of its features. In addition we anticapate a surge in gamers purchasing additional games from the Playstation Store, most especially in relation to the increase in Game graphics and general capabilities.

The CPU is thought to be a 3.3GHz Power PC Tri-Core Xenon processor which will improve the game play engine and features considerably compared to its predecessor. The graphics will take a major overhaul in this new edition as they have been improved more than you could imagine by using a 600MHz ATI Xenos graphics card which is now one of the best on the market and will provide some of the most detailed graphics you could ever wish for.
As you can see there are many new features included within these next generation of consoles and we can only imagine the true power of what they will be like when they are released. Gaming developers have already started the process of creating games for these platforms so as far as it goes for us gamers the future is looking very bright and we cannot wait to try these excellent creations out as soon as possible.