Netecon2000 is a leading Think tank, that has been in operation for over 16 years.
The aim of the resources are to “Ponder” and “Explore” the impact of the Internet relating to Global Trade & Economic consequences and developments. ( more will be explored too)
Boosting the Net Economy 2000 online debate.
This is a summary of our outlook in the year 2000 ( An exact Extract)
As you know, the Internet is a powerful force for the globalisation of world markets and is increasingly driving the growth of the world’s economy. Experts predict that e-commerce will represent from 2%-5% of global sales by 2003.
Internet sales, however, are only the tip of the iceberg. The move to electronic business will have a major impact on supply chain performance, procurement costs, relations with customers, and even the structure of entire industries.
Such massive changes will not be effected without dislocation to traditional ways of doing things, both in the commercial and governmental areas. Citizens and consumers too will have to learn new skills and approaches if they are to benefit fully from the new opportunities.
I believe that the world community can best prepare for the future by openly discussing the implications of new technologies and achieving concensus on the actions to take. That is why I am delighted that Bull is sponsoring this world-wide debate.
The key output from this debate will be a report summarising your input and making a series of recommendations for public and private organisations. I believe that these recommendations will prove invaluable to a wide range of companies, governments, voluntary organisations and individuals.
I thank you wholeheartedly for participating in this exciting venture.